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Graduates’ Deeds of Fighting Against the Pandemic Approved of by CSTVE
来 源 : 本站原创 作 者 : admin 发布时间: 2021-08-01

A campaign was launched in 2020 that cases on the theme of “Uniting as One to Fight COVID-19 and Overcome Difficulties” were collected nationwide, which was led by Health Education Commission (HEC) authorized by THE CHINESE SOCIETY FOR TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION (CSTVE).

The video of ‘Supreme Life’ recommended by the School of Health Science and Nursing (SHSN) of Shanghai Sipo Polytechnic (SSP) was recognized by CSTVE in this campaign. Over the past 18 years, the school has trained nearly 10,000 graduates for society. The story of the graduates' fighting against the pandemic fully demonstrates the great spirit of nurses called angels in white——Loyalty, Dedication and Responsibility. It also inherits and develops the nursing spirit of the school——DILIGENCE, INTEGRITY, BENEVOLENCE and DEDICATION.

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